Linggo, Marso 20, 2011

_ Be Serious and Focus_                       Why should we need to be  serious in taking up a college course?

          mitchjoi Simply because, it's hard to earn money used for paying our tuition fees. Do you know that every centavo has a value??
                 Therefore, if that money would just be wasted, it is just the same of wasting your knowledge, wasting your parents' money for non-sense things.
               bextmitch Not all have the opportunity to study some aren't, come to think of it your lucky to be able to study, lucky that your parents are able to send you to school. College isn't a joke we need to be serious and focus on this matter. 

Huwebes, Marso 17, 2011

Why student should take a College Course and be serious in taking it up?             Now a days, some youth are not able to study up to college, one of their reason was that they are not having enough money for tuition. However, students who have the guts and belief that they could pursue a College Course, have also ways for them to study.
                      We really need to take a college course, it is important for our daily living especially our future. How could we can work well if we don't have the knowledge of the things around us.
       It would also help us learn more, share what we knew and it could help us to be successful.
        so, if you are not able to pursue,,,,, find way cause there's a lot.

Linggo, Marso 13, 2011

_Sister's Choice_

                 Studying at Hercor College and taking up a Computer Science course wasn't my choice and i never dreamed of taking that course!!!! Taking up a Computer Science course was my sister's choice who supported me in my studies!!!!. Since Elementary I really want to be a teacher  and always dreaming of it!!!

                           Unfortunately, I am not able to take an Education course, due to the lack of financial capabilities!!! When I realize that the world now a days is full of new and high technology...that was it made me convinced to take a computer course and I have also no choice!!.Now, without regrets, I'm happy and keep on enjoying the Computer Science Course,,,, thanks to my sister!!hahahah!!!!